With Buck Peirce, Dave Dickenson, Michael Bishop, Kevin Glenn and Marcus Crandal all on the bench this must be the first year the back-up quarterbacks combined make more than the CFL salary cap.
Asked how the Riders won the game Riders coach said “well Durant ran ran yes Durant ran...” And yes that joke was despite the earlier warning from Cam about Duran Duran references...
The only people that don’t want to see Darian Durant play against Kerry Joseph this week is Marcus Crandal’s family and they are split...
The Federal Government is moving to remove the availability of 40 year mortgages saying NHL teams should be able to sign a player to shorter terms.
The Canadian media is puzzled by all the US networks devoting so much time covering Barack Obama because from all reports they can see no connection between him and Mats Sundin.
I guess it is a pretty straight up transaction when TSN obtained Canada’s second national anthem and CBC acquired Mike Millbury a second rate anathema from TSN
In what may be a first the Green Bay Packers will hoist Brett Favres jersey to the rafters with him still in it.
Twenty five years ago Kansas City Royals George Brett was involved in the famous pine tar incident and to celebrate the day Tour de France officials have decided to tar and feather the latest riders caught cheating.
NHL commissioner Gary Bettman says he should be given credit for keeping the team in Nashville and if he does will be the only person involved in the deal that had credit.
Awkward moment during the MLS All Star game press conference when David Beckham was asked if he thinks Mats Sundin should sign with Vancouver
Interesting toast by F1 head Max Mosley after he won his privacy suit in an English court, “Bottoms Up!”