A man is suing his dry cleaners for $54 million over a pair of lost pants. The move is already paying off as he is now representing Alex Rodriguez in his next contract negotiations. This is the biggest example of being taken to the cleaners since Mike Millbury’s last trade.
The anti-globalization activists “The Yes Men” were threw out of an Oil and Gas Conference in Calgary after falsely charging $50. a person for a talk on oil pricing. Officials with the Petroleum Industry were suspicious from the start when they agreed to do the talk without needing stock options. Officials with the Federal Tories are investigating as the name "Yes Men" is currently held by the cabinet.
The Calgary Flames announced former head coach Jim Playfair will be an “associate coach” to Mike Keenan. That’s like being named “associate wife” along with Angela Jolie. Daryl Suter sounded like the Miss Universe pageant host when he said “If for any reason Mike is unable to fulfill his butt kicking duties…”
I just hope the long layoff Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoia has forced on her fiancĂ©e Tony Parker hasn’t affected his inside game.
The San Antonio Spurs have swept the Cleveland Cavaliers making it the first time a broom has been used in Cleveland for years.
The Calgary Stampede will be holding its last horse this weekend ending a 120 year tradition. Punters wanting to lay down bets on races will have to be satisfied wagering on who will cross the line first to purchase a $750,000. 1-bedroom condo.
Fans in Hamilton lined up to purchase season tickets for the upcoming NHL season despite not having a team. Fans in Toronto were envious saying at least they have something to hope for.
Billionaire Daryl Katz has increased his offer to $150 million in his attempt to purchase the Edmonton Oilers. The extra $5 million is a result of finding some loose change in his couch.
My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW
Friday, June 15, 2007
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