Not sure who has the most moral victories a preacher in a Los Vegas brothel or the Canadian Olympic team.
With CBS using delays in the PGA to show re-runs of previous Tiger Woods victories it was one of the only tournaments officials have prayed for rain.
After years of effort commitment and sacrifice Canadian swimmer Brian Johns made it to the final in his discipline and finished 7th. After he came out of the pool the CBC reporter rushed up to him and asked “Do you think Michael Phelps could win 8 gold medals?” Other questions the reporter considered asking were “If Michael Phelps was a tree what kind would he be?”, “Does the water feel different when Michael Phelps is in it?”, and “How many Michael Phelps does it take to change a light bulb?”
It’s ironic that the Australians dominate the water events, the Cubans are great on the beach and yet the US isn’t the best on the shooting range.
It’s a tossup as to what gets an American announcer more excited when a swimmer wins a gold medal or when a gymnast blows a dismount.
Which picture of Canadian youth was more accurate the one of Olympic athletes struggling to keep up with the best in the world or the McDonalds commercial of them stuffing themselves?
This just in Michael Phelps may have gills and fins, stay tuned.
Olympic volleyball player Dyke from Holland is the Canadian equivalent of being named Barry from Saskatoon, Bud from BC or Dick from Toronto.
A riot raged out of control in Montreal this week until officials advised the public the game they saw on TV was a replay of the playoff victory by the Montreal Canadians.
American swimmer Katie Hoff made history when she lost her race by not extending her hand at the end the first time an American swimmer didn’t give the competition the finger.
Parts of the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony was pre recorded with the discovery coming when close inspection revealed it had been taped over an earlier Super Bowl pre-game run-through.
In an effort to avoid negative distractions the Canadian Olympic athletes should follow the Chinese lead and block all the websites and news coverage coming out of Canada.
Brett Favre says his arm is fatigued not from practicing but pointing fingers at the people responsible for his leaving Green Bay.
It is reported US swimmer Michael Phelps is double jointed thus giving him the same kind of advantage as Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati.
More stunning news on the scandal involving the Chinese singer in the opening ceremony as it is now reported the words were sung by Brittany Spears and the little girl was actually Mini Me in drag.
Canadian fencer Sherraine Schalm was suddenly kicked out of her Hungarian training camp just before the Olympics and after losing to a former training partner let loose with a string of F-Bombs at the team a clear case of Hungarian Girl Lash.
Top 3 signs the Olympic gymnast is underage
# 3 When she finishes her routine and sticks a finger in the air it doesn’t mean we’re # 1 it means I have to pee.
# 2 Pre competition advice includes keeping toes pointed, sticking the landing and not taking candy from strangers.
# 1 Sponsors lining up for endorsements include Gerber’s, Pampers and Toys R Us.
By far and away the best synchronized diving has come from the soccer pitch.
Volunteers for the Canadian Briar in Calgary are being asked to pay $100 which shows how deep the hog line is becoming.
To save up the $100 most curling fans will now have to give their grandkids $5 instead of $10 for their birthday.
There was a strange development on the shooting range, when the athletes from Georgia and Russia were disqualified after shooting each other’s targets.
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