My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Friday, October 1, 2010

Don't go Heidi!

The difference between NFL and CFL off site games? CFL teams come back loaded up on lobster... NFL teams catch their fill of crabs...

I know the nickname has been taken but I vote the Big M for Matt Dunigan... m for mute... do we really need to know coach Marcel Belfray of the Tiger Cats has piercing bedroom blue eyes?

It would have been nice if TSN could had given us an Atlantic perspective on the Atlantic Game... but CBC wouldn’t release Rex Murphy

The CFL players are coming down hard on the repeat vicious chop blocks from the Hamilton Tiger Cats Jason Jimenez who has already ended one career. The cry is being taken up by any employee who has to work with a lunatic especially Canada Post. The employees of Canada Post are in a bind... do they agree with the CFL players or honour Jimenez with a going postal stamp?

Canada is sending its national curling teams to the Summer Commonwealth Games in New Delhi not to complete just to sweep up some of the mouse droppings. In order to get the athletes used to the unsanitary conditions Team Canada is training and eating on Yonge Street in Toronto.

I guess the Stampeders Henry Burris has a home jersey an away jersey and an away from home jersey. Let’s see... double barrelled offense, playing for the cup... front loaded contract... bunch of boobs and Henry...yup got’em all...

The Montreal Canadians have chosen a unilingual English American captain causing riots, looting , a challenge from the Quebec language Police, an angry Bloc is considering staying home from Parliament, the Quebec Liberals say more judges will be appointed to spearhead an inquiry and the mascot for the Quebec Winter Carnival was seen lining his pockets with Kleenex instead of money. Or as it is known in Quebec... Tuesday.

A rejected MacLean’s cover had the Quebec Winter Carnival mascot stuffing his pocket with NHL tickets...

It has a nice ring to it when LaPolice can be fined. Ist time this week for a Quebec authority figure.

Not to say golf is desperate to create a controversy but Rory McIlroy says he was misquoted in reports he wants to play Tiger Woods and set the record straight saying he told the reporter “nice day”.

The Alberta Government set up a workplace safety website and the #1 complaint was for the bone restructuring company owned by BC Lions lineman Jason Jiminez
NFL fans are upset Brett Favre won’t retire and devastated Heidi Klum did.