My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Driving mit Donte

CBC had picture trouble for the 3rd game of the Pittsburgh Detroit playoff game with officials saying the Governments purchase of GM resulted in some budget reductions so CBC was forced to download the feed with slow speed connections.

The French Open women’s finalists all have names that end in A after the entry from Canada was eliminated eh?

Top 5 birthday gift suggestions for Gary Bettman
# 5 An i-Phone to replace his Blackberry
# 4 A new pair of rose coloured glasses
# 3 Another cost cutting lockout
# 2 An autographed portrait of Napoleon
# 1 The new book “I’m OK you’re probably going bankrupt”

A high performance hockey program for women headquartered in Calgary has been cancelled with officials citing budget concerns, scheduling conflicts and surprise women had spare time away from the kitchen to play hockey.

Yahoo is suing the NFL claiming they have the rights to use the players statistics for their on line pool. A spokesman for the NFL was incensed saying betting is illegal and even worse they are not paying the big.

Canada has moved up to 83 in world rankings for soccer thus guaranteeing them a place in the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame.

Motown would have loved watching the last Detroit Pittsburgh game and would probably have a hit with a song titled “Too many men”.

Health groups across Canada are worried about the wait times to access an MRI with life threatening illness taking weeks to diagnose, serious conditions put on a hold for months and potentially sprained ankles for professional athletes taking over 2 hours.

The NY Yankees set a record for the longest error free streak in baseball because as groupies everywhere know this team has great hands.

Cleveland Browns receiver Donte Stallworth was in court to enter a plea in his manslaughter trial and in a surprise move offered to dedicate his season to the man he ran over in return for a discharge. The family denied the request saying the chances of Donto having a bang-up year were hit and miss at best.

If convicted Donte could spend 15 years in prison and have way more guys in his huddle.

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