My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Monday, January 4, 2010

High Calibre Team

Happy New Year... may all your bets beat the spread...

The film Avatar features people from Earth fighting for a mineral called unobtanium. Toronto Maple Leaf fans know it as the metal in the Stanley Cup.

NFL players are backing their NBA brothers in calling for the right to bring their guns to work. In particular Chicago players believe they have a fundamental right to arm Bears.

It turns out Gilbert Arenas is rally a frustrated shooter from the perimeter.

I guess Arenas shooting range is about 2 lockers away

Former teammates were quick to come to Arenas defence saying he is really just a funny guy a pistol as it were.

The dispute between teammates Arenas and Javaris Crittenton was over a disputed gambling debt but NBA commissioner Daniel Stern quickly came to their defence saying they were just betting on football.

NBA players are defending their right to carry guns saying if they didn’t the tattoos would just look stupid.

Top 5 signs your NBA team has a gun problem
# 5 Coach has to remind players to get the lead out in the dressing room
# 4 Ammo is high calibre players not so much
# 3 Despite the high number of pregnancies some players still like to shoot blanks
# 2 Favourite numbers on the team are 44, 38 and 22
# 1 They make $10 million a year and still shop at Target

Rider GM Eric Tillman pleaded guilty to sexual assault saying he was “loopy” after taking pain killers. This also explains most of the outfits worn in Saskatchewan the day after the Grey Cup loss.

The NFL is looking to add incentives to teams so they will play their best players in the final games. After appealing to their greed and pride the only thing left is to offer them a guns for games bailout.

Giants stadium in New Jersey went dry for the final game with fears a drunk crowd would tear down the stadium. Fans say they were pissed but not as much as usual.

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