My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Friday, July 16, 2010

Spy n Trade

From Edward Osborne a student in Calgary... Calgarian Jim Kinnear the CEO of Pengrowth Management paid $11 million to purchase a house that is on the 18th green of St Andrews golf and country club in Scotland. Asked why he would pay so much Kinnear said he has always wanted to retire and be able to kick millionaire golfers off his lawn.

It was tough watching the CFL game from Empire Stadium especially since they left the cameras back at the old BC Place

The images during the TSN broadcast were brutal... the wind blew the “mounted” shots like a flag in a stiff breeze... I couldn’t make out half of the players when they went into the shadows... and the only ones more clueless than the cameramen as to who had the ball was the announcers

The camera work was so bad the announcers started Tweeting “WTF?” to both their loyal followers

The NFL Network is televising some of the CFL games with the Edmonton Eskimos being only team not being shown this year. Network officials say they wanted to include them but their wives wanted nothing to do with Edmonton.

Critics are wondering why the US sent 10 spies to Russia and only received 4 back in return. The answer was pretty simple... the US needed to shed some salary to stay under the cap. As the swap comes during NBA free agency it’s being called a spy n trade

The BC Government will end up paying $925 million to stage the 2010 Winter Olympics. Officials are really excited saying it works out to less than the cost of a couple of extra tall frappe mocha non fat cinnamon foam cappuccinos per taxpayer

A recent survey show STD rates have skyrocketed in seniors with the biggest jump in men still active in pro sports. I guess when they say the guys are having a rubber match they must be breaking

NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman made over $7 million last year in salary and bonuses. If we stick him in the minors will next year’s pay count against the cap?

Oakland Police say because of budget cuts they will no longer respond to all calls and want the public to go on line to report non-life threatening crimes. In addition they are considering opening a Facebook page to post all the infractions involving the Oakland Raiders

It’s difficult to see who is having the most trouble with the cap the Chicago Blackhawks, the Miami Heat or BP

Jesse Jackson says that Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert who paid over $120 million to a player is making comments like a plantation owner about a runaway slave. Now wait a cotton picking minute...

Former NY Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has died thus paving the way for him to fire and re-hire deceased manager Billy Martin from the Angels

38 year old Cyclist Lance Armstrong has been involved in 4 accidents in this year’s Tour de France. Experts say Armstrong hasn’t yet adapted to his aging body and gets run over when he goes into the passing lane

The YMCA is changing its name to just “Y” which is being contested by Cleveland Cavaliers fans who have a trademark pending on Y??? Y??? Y???

Tiger Woods has changed his putter so now he doesn’t even have loyalty to his clubs. Someone should tell him you dance with the one who brung ya...

Tiger says his new putter has a better groove technology because what Tiger needs is to get his groove back

Mel Gibson is a big fan of World Cup football... his favourite position... strike her

Watching the golfers play into the wind and rain at the British Open on a 150 year old course makes you long for the NHL to play the Stanley Cup on a historic site... like the Ottawa Canal.

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