My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vacation in Vancouver

Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt who had his team taken over by MLB says he needs $30 million to meet next month’s obligations. Ironically the majority of the money is to be paid to a woman who is no longer with him and a player who tested positive for being a woman who is also no longer with him. Anyone tested Frank?

The start of the Champions League final between United and Barcelona was a mirror image with Beefeaters bringing out the Cup, while in the stands those eating beef were in their cups.

Like most Albertans I am excited to see the Canucks in the Stanley Cup final because if they win our friends in BC will be in a better mood when we crash at their place for July and August.

Go Canucks but only because I lost a bet which is ironic because if I had won my bet I would have been able to spend a day or 2 vacationing in Vancouver.

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