My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dream Parade

Due to the unrest in Tibet the Olympic torch run has been changed to the torch and run.

In an effort to put a positive spin on the troops being sent into Tibet, Chinese officials are calling it their version of March Madness.

The MLB players union is looking into possible collusion as a reason Barry Bonds has not been signed by a team. A spokesperson for Bonds says he is still pumped at the prospect of playing another year and feel he can still give it his best shot.

Sources in the CFL say they are close to having another team in Ottawa they just have to cross a few more X’s and O’s.

Turns out Vessa Toskula is the best goalie Toronto has ever had by a long shot.

After watching President Bush say the invasion of Iraq was an unqualified success I’m thinking the Maple Leafs search for a new GM may be over.

A report says people who are tight with their money experience pain when spending similar to the pain Toronto Maple Leaf fans feel when their team spends money on a free agent.

The Alberta Government has raised the minimum wage saying it shouldn’t take more than 2 days to pay for an average ticket to an NHL game.

Due to increased building in the downtown Calgary has said they will be looking to re-route the Stamped parade although the Stanley Cup parade is still scheduled to go ahead in their dreams.

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