My thanks to Cam Hutchinson for supporting this creation. Cheers DJW

Thursday, June 7, 2007

June 7 2007

Sandra Plagakis a sports personality is growing her “playoff pits” in support of the Ottawa Senators. People close to Sandra say Ottawa’s loss to Anaheim has left her up in arms.

Jerry Bruckheimer has expressed interest in acquiring an NHL team for Los Vegas. He plans to incorporate the NHL into an upcoming CSI episode where the investigators try to find out who killed the TV ratings.

Team New Zealand won the Louis Vultton Sailing Cup taking home a fabulous one of a kind purse.

The great thing about Anaheim winning the Stanley Cup is that it took away all of the attention from Paris Hilton being released from jail early.

1 comment:

ladydeath said...

I heard the purse was more of a beach bag...still a very funny joke